Welcome to the Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) repository for the SIMMS Integrated Mathematics high school curriculum. Developed in the mid-1990s under the leadership of Johnny Lott, Professor Emeritus, University of Montana, and Maurice Burke, Professor Emeritus, Montana State University through a NSF grant and state of Montana legislature funding, and written by and for teachers of high school mathematics, this technology dependent curriculum is shared freely with all. You are encouraged to download, use and modify non-commercially as needed for your own classroom, but please follow the guidelines of the Creative Commons copyright BY-NC-SA 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

The four year curriculum is packaged by high school grade level, Level 1 for 9th grade, Level 2 for 10th grade and after those first two years of common mathematics for all, a choice in 11th grade of the non-STEM (Level 3) or STEM focus (Level 4) followed by a fourth year as a high school senior Level 5 (non-STEM) and Level 6 (STEM). Figure 1 shares a map of the route through the curriculum with alternatives for students to switch between non-STEM and STEM pathways.
The NCTM (2018) Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics advocates for a common two or two-and-a-half years of high school mathematics; this curriculum advocated the same more than 20 years before.
The student materials are shared by Levels 1 – 6 and with a TeacherMaterials page. Each module is available as a .pdf document for separate download as are all the modules for each separate Level in one .pdf document.
We hope that you will contact us with any comments or suggestions about the curriculum or Professional Development needs. MCTM is interested in providing summer workshops in beautiful big sky Montana, but needs sufficient interest. Thanks for sharing.